Monday, June 6, 2011


Okay since it has been a decade since I have updated this beautiful blog I have created I figured I should. There is one main person to blame for this lack of updating and that would be my fiance, Andrew Trost, who I met roughly four months ago. February 9th, 2011 to be exact.

In February, Andrew and I met at the Idaho State University Institute. We then went on a date to the Institute Date and hit it off from there. That weekend I met his sister Kendle Hammon, brother Mitchell Trost, mother and father Brad and Bari Trost. It was a fun weekend but definitely one I was not expecting. Later on in the month, it was his twin sister's birthday and his oldest sister birthday so they were all in Rigby Idaho and we went up there to visit. The following weekend we went with his parents to Vegas to have a fun weekend with the family and their friends the Stallings.

In March, Andrew and I grew even closer then ever. He even cut his trip short in Costa Rica to come to Mesa, Az and meet my parents! And let me just tell you he went through a trip from hell. Flying to Costa Rica loosing his luggage going to the wrong location and even having to go a day or two with out his own clothes. I felt way bad for him, but the one part of the trip that we thought would go horrible was actually the best part of the trip. Because Andrew asked my father for my hand in marriage and he and the rest of the family said yes.... :))))

April, was just a process of finishing school and passing classes.

May, began with a bang, because Andrew left me for a month to go work in Reno, Nevada to sell security systems. He has been gone this entire time and I finally got to see him this past weekend when he came with me to South Dakota for my cousins wedding. Driving 3,000 miles across the country and flying and spending time with the Core family is something that little can  handle - BUT Andrew did!

I love Andrew Bradley Trost and cant wait to marry him!